Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We miss you Amanda.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

An accidental blog

I had no intention of starting a blog today, or ever. To be honest, I'm a bit skeptical about the need for blogs in the world and have never really felt like I (or 90% of the rest of the world) have much to saying that is worth posting to the internet. (Yet.)

But I googled the word blog today. Clicked on the first link that popped up, pressed continue, and, look at this, I have my very own blog. What the hell? I've always been a journaler, and if someone else happens upon these ramblings, how exciting. (I secretly write by journal so that someone will stumble upon when I'm dead anyway, as I suspect many people do, at least in these post- Anne Frank, Go Ask Alice times)

Now that I've started my accidental blog, all that is left is to discover what it might come to be about. I've named it A List of Outstanding Things after the title that I once scrawled atop a To Do list. So in the spirit of lists, perhaps I will brainstorm some things that interest me and therefore might appear in this blog in the future.

  • Books
  • Bookstores
  • psychology
  • running
  • roommates/ friends/ family
  • death/ grief/ grieving/ afterlife
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Flight of the Concords
  • Brooklyn
  • writing
  • yoga
  • cupcakes
  • baked goods in general
  • 9 Things in 90 Days program
  • Martin Seligman and positive psychology
  • personal transformation/ self-actualization
  • pop culture
  • literary magazines
  • italian food
  • learning to cook (cooking club)
  • wine (number on the list is not representative of the strength of the interest)
  • restaurants
  • houses on or near water
  • ice skating
  • grad school

Hmm...as of right now, my list makes me appear very generic. I'll work on that.

Currently Reading and adoring:

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows (on sale July 29th 2008, from Dial Press)

3 blessings today:
  • went to yoga class at lunch
  • ate the best oatmeal cookie that I've ever had
  • have free tickets to see the NYC ballet tonight
Link of the day:

some thoughts on why we blog:

delic Oatmeal Cookie recipe: